Science at work 28 January 2025
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- Our activities, our impact
- Tropical value chains
- Cocoa

- Providing a wide range of varieties, tailored to biotic and abiotic constraints, while making optimum use of the wealth and biodiversity of cocoa types
- Managing natural resources better, particularly soil fertility and water resources, by optimizing plant functioning and productivity
- Boosting the efficacy of pest and disease control and develop alternative, environmentally friendly methods
- Innovating in terms of the ecological intensification of emerging agro-industrial production systems
- Understanding the factors that determine quality and maximize aroma potential
Boosting the profitability of the various cocoa-based cropping systems and providing producers with a range of solutions tailored to their requirements and investment capacity.
- Agronomic diagnoses: from seed to pod
- Postharvest technology: from pod to raw cocoa
- Economic and socioeconomic studies, including supply chain studies
- Research and development project design and management
- Training
- Sensorial analyses and taste and quality appraisals
- Gestion agroécologique des bioagresseurs.
- Genomics
- Varietal improvement and breeding
- Study and control of pests and diseases
- Agronomy: physiology and mineral nutrition, crop practices, cropping systems, agroforestry
- Postharvest processing systems engineering
- Facilitation des innovations (dans la filière)
- Assurer la Traçabilité.
Products and services
Products and services centring on cocoa