CIRAD is organizing an exceptional afternoon of celebrations on 25 June 2024, to mark its 40 years of impact in partnership in the fields of agriculture, environment and health.
The event, which is by invitation only, is primarily intended for our institutional partners in Montpellier, but some of our partners from the global South are also due to attend. Representatives from our line ministries and main donors, along with CIRAD employees, will also be present.
Welcome, at 14:00
- Elisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin, CIRAD CEO;
- Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education and Research (video message)
- Clélia Chevrier Kolacko, Deputy Head of Global Affairs, Globalization, Culture, Education and International Development Branch, French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Sequence on « Les filières d’hier à aujourd’hui » (Value chains, from past to present)
- Alexia Prades, Head of Tropical Value Chains, CIRAD;
- Laingo Rasolofo, Coordinator, dP SPAD, Madagascar;
- Fabrice Le Bellec, Head, HORTSYS research unit, CIRAD.
Sequence on « L’impact de la recherche pour le développement aux croisements agriculture-environnement-santé » (The impact of research for development at the crossroads between agriculture, environment and health)
Introduction: Aurelle de Romemont, Coordinator, ImpresS team, CIRAD, and Etienne Hainzelin, instigator of the impact culture at CIRAD.
Moderator: Genowefa Blundo Canto, research impact assessment researcher, CIRAD
Part 1: Quels impacts de la recherche, et à quelles conditions la recherche a-t-elle de l’impact ? (What are the impacts of research, and what conditions its impact?)
- Momar Talla Seck, Director General, Institut sénégalais des recherches agricoles (ISRA), Senegal;
- Claire Cerdan, Deputy Head, Innovation joint research unit, CIRAD.
Part 2: Pourquoi et comment développer une culture de l’impact dans les institutions de recherche ? (Why should we and how can we build an impact culture within research organizations?)
Video interviews about the impact culture with:
- Margarita Ramirez, agricultural engineer, AgroSavia, Colombia;
- Geraldo Stachetti, ecologist, EMBRAPA, Brazil;
- Marie Ferré, economist, CIRAD.
Followed by an exchange with panellists:
- Thomas Melonio, Head Economist, Executive Director for Innovation, Strategy and Research, Agence française de développement (AFD);
- Mireille Matt, ASIRPA, INRAE;
- Momar Talla Seck, Director General, Institut sénégalais des recherches agricoles (ISRA), Senegal.
Coffee break
Musical interlude
Keynote speaker: Jo Puri, Associate Vice-President - Strategy and Knowledge Department, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Sequence on « Coopération multi-acteurs autour des enjeux à l’interface Santé/Environnement » (Multi-stakeholder cooperation on issues at the Health/Environment interface)
Introduction and moderation: Aurélie Binot, Science-Society Officer, CIRAD.
Part 1: Accompagner des dispositifs territoriaux d’expérimentation ouverte avec les acteurs des territoires la démarche collaborative des living labs (Supporting open territorial experimentation schemes with local stakeholders: the living labs collaborative approach)
- Amandine Hertzog-Adamczewski, researcher with the G-EAU joint research unit, CIRAD;
- Video interview with a farmer and a local authority representative in Cambodia;
- Charles Pomalegni, researcher, Institut de recherche sur le coton (IRC), Benin;
- Omar Fedior, SAFET Consulting, Senegal.
Part 2: Nécessité de rapprochement science/décision/citoyens à l’échelle des territoires (The need to bring science/decision making/citizens closer together on a regional level)
- Christel Célié, Assistant Director, MedVallée;
- David Gomis, Biodiversity and Scientific Culture Officer, Montpellier Méditerranée Metropolitan Council.
- Claire Gatecel, Occitanie Regional Council;
- Michaël Delafosse, Mayor of Montpellier and Chairman, Montpellier Méditerranée Metropolitan Council.
Cocktail party