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Request and reporting platform

Cirad’s request and reporting platform allows the collection and transmission of requests for information or support in the areas of ethics and scientific integrity, as well as reports of various risks related to the institution's activities (potential breaches of ethics or scientific integrity, misdemeanors, irregularities and violations of laws in a work-related context).

By allowing us to detect possible dysfunctions as soon as possible and to act on them, this tool is important for both ensuring the dissemination of a culture of ethics and scientific integrity within the institution and maintaining the trust placed in us. The platform is thus accessible to all those involved in Cirad's activities, whether they are employees or not (students, partners, collaborators, administrators, clients, suppliers, co-contractors, subcontractors, consultants, etc.).

By guaranteeing direct, highly secure routing of messages to the relevant focal point(s) within the institution while upholding confidentiality, this service complements the procedures put in place by Cirad and provides optimum protection for whistleblowers.

The platform can be accessed through the following link: https://report.whistleb.com/en/cirad