Antelope in Pendjari National Park at the start of the rainy season, Benin P. Marnotte © CIRAD

West Africa - Forest and Humid Savannah

West African countries are particularly badly affected by the impact of climate change and population growth. CIRAD and its partners are thus focusing their operations in the region on ensuring food and energy security for local people, while respecting the environment.

Major issues

Cocoa pod hulling site in West Africa © R. Babin

Cocoa pod hulling site in West Africa © R. Babin

Agricultural research continues to have a major role to play in tackling a vital challenge facing the human race: providing food and energy for the eight billion people there will be worldwide by 2030, while preserving the environment and, more generally, common goods such as the climate, biodiversity and human and animal health.

Main research fields

  • Reforestation and development of agroforestry systems
  • Food and energy security
  • Fertility management on a territory level
  • Studying and promoting biodiversity - Crop breeding
  • Cocoa agroforestry systems
  • health risks - Disease vector and pest control
  • Public policy

Emblematic projects and platforms in partnership for research and training

The dots show the countries in which CIRAD and its partners work. They do not show specific sites.

Key figures

  • 35 expatriate researchers
  • 2 platforms in partnership
  • 200 missions per year
  • 8 PhD students supervised per year

Platforms in partnership


Teaching and training

CIRAD's researchers contribute to higher education through Masters and other diploma courses. They supervise and guide students and interns, either from a distance or on the ground, including PhD students. CIRAD can also provide vocational training for staff members from partner organizations.

see also: Teaching and training

Scientific publications

See all publications


CIRAD Regional Office for West Africa - Forest and Humid Savannah
Serge Marlet
Université Félix Houphouet Boigny -
Campus de Cocody - Bâtiment IRD -
01 BP 6483 Abidjan 01 -
Ivory Coast
Tel.: +225 22 07 48 18 41 / +225 07 89 08 67 62
