Long-term organic waste product observation and experimentation platform

In situ experiments and observations
Experimental facilities for studying the environmental impact of organic waste product (OWP) recycling within tropical cultivated ecosystems.The OWPs tested include urban compost, urban sludge (composted or not) and livestock manure, compared to a common OWP (cattle manure) and a control without OWP applications.
R. Carayol

Long-term organic waste product observation and experimentation platform - Réunion

SOERE PRO in Réunion is a long-term sugarcane field trial in a tropical context. The aim is to determine the agricultural value and environmental impact of sewage farm sludge, composted sludge, pig manure and poultry manure.

The site provides researchers with the following:

  • In situ ecosystem experimentation services
  • Instruments for long-term ecosystem monitoring and in situ measurement of environmental parameters
  • Equipment and tools for collecting samples and data on the ecosystems studied

More info on the Recycling and Risk research unit website

Long-term organic waste product observation and experimentation platform - Senegal

SOERE PRO in Senegal  is based on ISRA's Sangalkam station. Market garden crops are given urban or agricultural OWPs.

The aims of the site are to:

  • Monitor the main bio-geochemical cycles of major elements
  • Optimize and compare agricultural and urban organic matter recycling
  • Quantify pollutant flows and monitor changes in soil biology

More info on the Observatoire de recherche produits résiduaires organiques website