Science at work 28 January 2025
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Books and documents
- Sustainable development and tropical agri-chains, Estelle Biénabe, Alain Rival, Denis Loeillet (ed.), Springer, 2017.
- Economics and ecology of diversification: The case of tropical tree crops, François Ruf, Götz Schroth (ed.), Springer, 2015.
- Avancées et perspectives de la recherche internationale sur le café, André Charrier, Benoît Bertrand, Philippe Lashermes, Cahiers agricultures, special issue, 2012.
- Une histoire des plantes coloniales, du cacao à la vanille, Serge Volper, Quæ, 2011.
- Ecosystem services from agriculture and agroforestry: measurement and payment, Bruno Rapidel, Fabrice DeClerck, Jean-François Le Coq, John Beer, Earthscan, 2011.
- Le commerce équitable en question, Isabelle Vagneron, Nicolas Bricas, Cahiers agricultures, special issue, 2010.
- Coffee: growing, processing, sustainable production, J.N. Wintgens (ed.), Wiley, 2009.
- The Coffee paradox: global markets, commodity trade and the elusive promise of development, Stefano Ponte, Benoît Daviron, Zed Books, 2005 (also in Spanish).
- Coffee: terroirs and qualities, Christophe Montagnon (ed.), Quæ, 2007.
- Terres de café, M. Jeanguyot, M. Séguier-Guis, D. Duris, CIRAD-Magellan, 2003.