Droughts affect crop production across the world. A central challenge for researchers and policymakers is to devise technologies that lend greater resilience to agricultural production under this particular environmental stress.
Interdrought VII, the first on the African continent, is to continue the rich exchanges and debates that have characterized the previous editions of the conference, continuing with a very multi-disciplinary approach and a global view on drought issues.
While keeping a global perspective on drought, this first edition of Interdrought on African soil intends to reflect on the issues around drought in an African/smallholder context.
The event will cover the following topics:
- Combating drought: a multi-dimensional challenge
- Water access/availability in the light of drought
- Maximizing water access/availability to plants
- Increasing water use efficiency with a crop focus
- Increasing water use efficiency with a farm system focus
- Innovating to find solutions to drought on a smallholder farmer scale – Where we want to be four years from now