Milking a zebu in Nigeria B. Faye © CIRAD


Dairy chains are largely controlled by the main agrifood giants. However, they also involve more than 120 million small farms worldwide. Is the current boom in agroindustry a threat to the long-term future of these smallholders, or might it be a development opportunity? How can we arbitrate between the economic, environmental and social impacts of current policies? CIRAD is working with local stakeholders to assess the sustainability of the current changes in the sector. Along with its partners, it has research and development programmes and platforms in partnership for research and training that develop innovations aimed at optimizing the interactions between livestock production and the environment.

Photo essay

Mon lait, ma vie : portraits d'acteurs du commerce laitier

To mark World Milk Day, celebrated on 1 June each year, portraits of dairy trade players in the Sahel in a CIRAD photo essay, "Mon lait, ma vie" (my milk, my life). Photos by Jean-Daniel Cesaro and Guillaume Duteurtre.

>> See the photo essay

Atlases and events

Atlas des dynamiques observées dans le bassin de collecte de la Laiterie du Berger. Dakar

Until recently, in West Africa, the livestock sector had been largely overlooked in the industrialization of dairy value chains. Large dairies were set up in capital cities, without any major investment in local milk collection and primarily using imported milk powders. However, alongside these large dairies, there are often mire modest firms working with local milk.
Bourgoin Jeremy, Corniaux Christian, Touré Labaly, Cesaro Jean-Daniel. 2019. CIRAD, 48 p.

>> See the atlas in the CIRAD open archive

Atlas of the traditional dairy sector in Greater Cairo, Egypt

This atlas bears witness to the dynamics, strengths and weakenesses of the traditional dairy sector in Egypt. It is one of the outputs of the DAIRY (Understanding the traditional functioning of the milk supply chain in El Cairo City, Egypt) research project. The new Agricultural Strategic Plan for Egypt marks out the dairy sector as an agricultural R&D priority between now and 2030.
Funded by AIRD 2012-2015. AIRD, APRI, University of Cairo, CIRAD, ICARDA, Ain Shams University, 2017

>> See the atlas on the Mediterranean and Tropical Livestock Systems joint research unit website

Atlas des transitions de l'élevage au Vietnam 1986 - 2016

A valuable decision support tool for ensuring sustainable development pathways.
The Atlas des transitions de l’élevage au Vietnam documents the changes in Vietnamese livestock systems. With more than 100 maps and graphs, it calls for more rational development of the livestock sector in Vietnam.
J-D. Cesaro, G. Duteurtre, Nguyen Mai Huong. Coédition IPSARD-CIRAD, 2019

>> See the atlas in the CIRAD open archive

>> News item: Promoting the sustainable development of livestock farming in Vietnam / Article, 26/03/2020

Event: Milk, Driver of Development Symposium: international meetings aimed at inventing more sustainable, inclsuive dairy systems

>> See the website and find out more about the third symposium in Dakar, Senegal, in June 2019

Other books and documents


Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux, quarterly journal on animal health and productions in tropical regions

Scientific websites

  • Role of camel rearing in modern Saharan societies (Camed)
  • Pastoralism and Drylands in West Africa (PPZS)
  • Agro-silvo-pastoral Systems in West Africa (ASAP)
  • Dromedaries and camels (Camélidés)
  • Multi-level assessments of livestock development pathways in Vietnam (Revalter)
  • Network for exchanges and research on dairy policy in West Africa (Repol)

Scientific publications

See CIRAD's publications on dairy