24 mai 2023 Pretoria, South Africa

Strategic Partnership development meeting on “Public Policies and Governance in Africa”

Meeting organized by CIRAD as a side event to the University of Pretoria's Africa Week – Open Africa Open Science.

Sound public policies and governance are critical components of any functional society, and proven levers for sustainable development. CIRAD, with its multiple collaborations and partnerships with many African organizations, has a strong interest in such issues.

It is currently contributing to co-building a network of research partners working on public policies, science-policy interfaces, and governance in Africa. Preliminary networking efforts gathered researchers from countries in southern (South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Madagascar) and West Africa (Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso). However, as other initiatives with similar or compatible goals exist or are under development, CIRAD is organizing a side event during Africa Week at Future Africa, the main objective of which will be to exchange ideas and insights about the latest research and network initiatives on public policies and governance in Africa.

The meeting will be an opportunity to connect research organizations, existing alliances and networks, working on public policy, science-policy interfaces, and governance. It will promote mutual knowledge between research teams and organizations, discussion of topics of common interest, and brainstorming on possible collaborations and joint efforts.