Public policy and rural development in Latin America
Which public policies to promote sustainable and equitable development of rural areas in Latin America?
Argentina, San Juan province. © Léna Le Calvé, CIRAD
As one of the world’s leading producers of soybeans, beef and cereals, Argentina is an agricultural giant with substantial potential. Like its large neighbour, Brazil, agriculture is one of the driving forces of its economy. The country possesses an agricultural area five times that of France, with 37 million hectares under crops and 130 million hectares given over to grazing. Soybean, maize, wheat and barley crops occupy 92% of the cultivated lands. Argentina is also a major producer and exporter of fruit, such as lemons, apples and pears.
The AGRITERRIS initiative
CIRAD was present in Argentina particularly through its participation in the AGRITERRIS initiative (Agricultural Activities, Territories and local Agrifood Systems – LIA/2RI) led by INRAE. This international laboratory brought together several institutions from Argentina (INTA, UNMDP, UNS, UNLP), Brazil (UFPA) and France (INRAE, UTJJ, Montpellier SupAgro, IRD and CIRAD) and aimed to develop joint research on transforming agriculture, rural areas, development professions and the public policies that concern them. As part of this research, and involvement in several other ANR projects, a CIRAD researcher (Innovation Joint Research Unit) was posted to INTA for three years.
Find out more: AGRITERRIS
The LABINTEX-Europe laboratory of the Argentinian National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) is located in Montpellier at Agropolis International.
Its location greatly facilitates its exchanges with CIRAD, INRAE and other French and European scientific organizations.
The Gran Chaco territory is a transboundary, semi-arid natural region shared by Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. A regional cooperation project initiative intended to develop Sustainable Development Scenarios (SDS) may lead CIRAD to develop its research activities there in close cooperation with INTA and the universities and development operators in that region. This initiative should see the light of day in 2023.
Which public policies to promote sustainable and equitable development of rural areas in Latin America?