CIRAD's 1140 scientists conduct targeted research focused on six priority research topics, aimed at building resilient farming systems for a more sustainable, inclusive world.
On the strength of its experience of working in some fifty countries across Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific, CIRAD has drawn up a geographical partnership strategy, centring on the implementation of platforms in partnership for research and training.
CIRAD and its partners pool their means to help the scientific community access original, top-level biological, scientific and technical resources. These collective tools, resources and infrastructures are accessible to all our partners via collaborative projects or training.
Targeted research
CIRAD centres its targeted research on six priority research topics. These are research issues we share with our partners, in which CIRAD has chosen to invest collectively, via an inclusive, multi-disciplinary approach, to renew, diversify and broaden the scope of its scientific and partnership operations.
CIRAD has 29 research units split between three scientific departments.
Open science is a global movement for dissemination of and free access to scientific knowledge, to which CIRAD is committed. This drive aims to foster sharing and comparison of scientific research results, and the development of closer interactions between science and society.
Pooling of resources by CIRAD and its partners gives the scientific community access to unique, top-level biological, scientific and technical resources. Those collective tools, resources and infrastructures are open to all our partners, within the framework of joint projects or training operations.