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Montpellier Interdisciplinary center on Sustainable Agri-food systems (social and nutritional sciences) - UMR MOISA

Meal in China © P. Moustier, CIRAD
It is split between three teams, with different but complementary disciplinary and thematic orientations.
The REGAAL team (research on consumer, and agrifood and rural business and supply chain governance) looks at how consumers and agrifood firms behave (management and marketing).
The COPAAD COPAAD team (coordination and policies for sustainable agriculture and food) associates economists, sociologists and political scientists.
The ASG team (changing farming systems, household strategies and resource management) focuses on household and farm microeconomics. The unit organizes a monthly transverse “food security” seminar that is open to outside participants.
The unit organizes a monthly transverse “food security” seminar that is open to outside participants.
It primarily works in the Mediterranean, Sub-Saharan Africa (particularly Senegal and Burkina Faso), Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Malaysia) and Latin America (Brazil and Colombia).