Results & impact 3 October 2024
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- Banana and plantain

Banana and plantain
CIRAD provides professionals with products and services. It also publishes books and scientific publications.
The Market News Service
The Ecological Functioning and Sustainable Management of Banana and Pineapple Cropping Systems Research Unit (UPR GECO) Market News Service is a study unit that works closely with professionals in the fresh fruit and vegetable sector worldwide. It publishes the quarterly journal FruiTrop, which reports on international trade in tropical fruits (for instance bananas, avocados, citrus fruits and pineapple), weekly notes on the banana market, and a range of information bulletins for economic operators within the value chains concerned.
Available in French and English, in print and electronic formats.
Vitropic SA
Vitropic is a CIRAD subsidiary specializing in banana, pineapple and ornamental in vitro plantlets. It produces disease-free planting material and provides producers with technical assistance, information, advice and expertise.
>> Vitropic website
Other products and services
Journal Fruits
A bi-monthly journal on tropical and Mediterranean fruits.
Fruits website
Books and documents
- Le bananier plantain : enjeux socio-économiques et techniques, Moïse Kwa, Ludovic Temple (ed.), Quæ, Agricultures tropicales en poche, 2019.
- Développement durable et filières tropicales, Estelle Biénabe, Denis Loeillet, Alain Rival (ed.), Quæ, 2016.
- Le bananier, un siècle d’innovations techniques, André Lassoudière, Quæ, 2012.
- Le bananier, un enjeu mondial, André Lassoudière, Pour la Science, issue 400, February 2011.
- L’histoire du bananier, André Lassoudière, Quæ, 2010.
- Banana protocols, Fruits, Special Issue, 2009.
- Le bananier et sa culture, André Lassoudière, Quæ, 2007.
- New guides for better banana production, Endure, 2010