Principles for Evaluation of One Health Surveillance: The EVA Book

Just out 13 January 2022
In view of the growing importance of health surveillance and in response to the threats posed by epidemics such as the coronavirus pandemic, this book is an essential guide for stakeholders in health systems worldwide. It offers a step-by-step approach with a detailed methodology, examples and practical tools. It explains how to communicate the results of such evaluations to decision-makers, and includes a chapter on the challenges of evaluation and innovation requirements.

Principles for Evaluation of One Health Surveillance: The EVA Book. Marisa Peyre, François Roger, Flavie Goutard - Springer, 2022

Principles for Evaluation of One Health Surveillance outlines essential elements of the evaluation of health surveillance within the One Health concept . It provides an introduction to basic theoretical notions of evaluation and vividly discusses related challenges .

Its expert authors cover the entire spectrum of available, innovative methods, from those for system process evaluations to methods for the economic evaluation of surveillance strategies. They have been working on the ground for many years, in situations that are both varied and complex, in sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, Asia and the Indian Ocean.

Targeting not only scientists, including epidemiologists, but also technical advisers to decision-makers, this guide is suitable for the evaluation of any type of health surveillance system - animal, human or combined - regardless of the socioeconomic context.

It offers a step-by-step approach with a detailed methodology, tools and practical examples of evaluations of animal health or One Health surveillance in both developed and developing countries. This pragmatic approach allows readers to apply the methods described. The guide explains how to communicate the results of evaluations to decision-makers. Lastly, an entire chapter is given over to the challenges of evaluation and to innovation requirements.


Principles for Evaluation of One Health Surveillance: The EVA Book
Marisa Peyre, François Roger, Flavie Goutard
Springer, 2022