Animals, Health, Territories, Risks, Ecosystems - UMR ASTRE

Joint Research Unit (UMR) BIOS Department
A new unit working to foster an integrated animal health approach. The aim of the UMR is to improve animal health, public health and food security in the South, notably against a backdrop of global change and transitions within socio-ecosystems. The main challenge is to develop an integrated health approach: inter-sectoriality and interdisciplinarity centring on animals, ecosystems and territories, in line with the One Health and EcoHealth approaches.
© D. Louppe, Cirad
© D. Louppe, Cirad

© D. Louppe, CIRAD

Two research units, one internal - Animal and Integrated Risk Management (AGIRS) - and the other joint - Emerging and Exotic Animal Disease Control (CMAEE) - merged on 1 January 2017 to form this new joint unit, UMR ASTRE.

Its operations centre on two main lines of research:

  • The characterization of pathogens and episystems on various levels: organism, population and socio-ecosystem.
  • Health management: disease surveillance (innovation, assessment and networks) and control (tools and strategies, collective action).