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Irrigated systems in North Africa - SIRMA
North Africa has a shortfall in terms of agricultural production and its food security is fragile. It is also one of the places where climate change is the most sensitive, with a direct impact on water resource availability. The problem is that agricultural production directly depends on irrigation, hence on water resources. Moreover, North Africa is currently in the throes of political and economic change. The SIRMA platform is analysing irrigated systems against this backdrop of environmental and societal change, which is both particularly interesting and fraught with issues for the region’s economic future.
- Ecole nationale d’agriculture de Meknès (ENA)
- Institut agronomique et vétérinaire Hassan II (IAV Hassan II)
- Institut national d'agronomie de Tunis (INAT)
- Institut national de recherche en génie rural, eaux et forêts (INRGREF)
- Djilali Bounaama Khemis Miliana University
- Mohamed Khider University
- Centre de recherche scientifique et technique sur les régions arides/ (CRTRA)
- Ecole nationale supérieure d'agronomie d’Alger (ENSA)
- Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes - Institut agronomique méditerranéen (CIHEAM-IAMM)
- Centre international d’études supérieures en sciences agronomiques (Montpellier SupAgro)
- Institut de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l’environnement et l’agriculture (IRSTEA)
- Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)
- Institut des sciences et industries du vivant et de l’environnement (AgroParisTech)
- French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)