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- Tropical value chains
- Coconut

Our remits
- Organizing the fight against pests and diseases, particularly lethal yellowing, which is very widespread.
- Diversifying the crops grown in affected zones, to enable growers to switch to other crops and stay where they are, with financial compensation.
- Improving coconut-based cropping systems to ensure that they fit in with producers' needs and production contexts.
- Promoting products more effectively .
Research units working on coconut
- Biodiversified Agrosystems (UMR ABSys)
- Biomass, Wood, Energy, Bioproducts (UPR BioWooEB)
- Genetic Improvement and Adaptation of Méditerranean and Tropical Plants (UMR AGAP)
- Integrated Approach to Food Quality (UMR QUALISUD)
- Plant Communities and Biological Invaders in tropical Environments (UMR PVBMT)
- Plant Health Institute Montpellier (UMR PHIM)