16 February 2023

Tropical forests play a key role in mitigating and adapting to the effects of global change, notably in terms of climate and biodiversity, as will be demonstrated at the One Forest Summit in Libreville, Gabon, on 1 and 2 March. The issues surrounding forests are many and varied, ranging from their functional evolution, uses and services rendered to the increased risks they currently face.
In particular, forests are a source of livelihoods and jobs for people living nearby and of revenue for logging companies. However, the activities in question are also one of the main causes of deforestation, which in turn affects both carbon sequestration and biodiversity.
This is why the European Union recently laid the foundations for legislation banning imports of products linked to deforestation. Forestry research in partnership, along with training, are two other weapons in the fight to ensure sustainable forest ecosystems.
Networks such as the platforms in partnership for research and training (dPs) initiated by CIRAD and its partners are found in all three tropical forest basins and are particularly suited to research that is necessarily long term and centred on sharing data and knowledge.

Alain Billand, Head of Research Impact and Marketing and forest specialist

Rational use

Living from, and with, forests

Forests are a vital food source for many rural communities in tropical countries. In Gabon, a multidisciplinary team, coordinated by CIRAD within the framework of the SWM (Sustainable Wildlife Management) programme, is providing villagers with tools that allow them to hunt wildlife sustainably and thus continue to live from, and with, forests.

Read more: A balancing act between wildlife conservation and food security

Restoring resources

Institutional support tools

Partner networks for forest research and training

Partner networks serve to bring players together around a common language, conduct research projects, build skills and train experts, share data and knowledge, and foster the development of innovations and their adoption by civil society.
Several of the platforms in partnership for research and training (dPs) initiated by CIRAD and its partners centre on forests, and reflect those ambitions:

These dPs were built on the principles of participatory science, and are banking on sustainable management of forestry and agroforestry systems by means of public policy, respecting the resources and requirements of both territories and current and future population groups. 

More about the dPs

Coming up


The French agricultural research and international cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions.

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