Centre for International Research on Environment and Development - UMR CIRED

Joint Research Unit (UMR) ES Department
UMR CIRED is primarily interested in the unintentional effects of human activity, resulting from the interaction between such activity and the natural and manmade environment The scientific emphasis in this field is currently on climate change issues, in which the team has built up internationally recognized expertise over the past fifteen years. It is particularly interested in how to coordinate economic growth and the reduction of the carbon intensity of economies.
Jardin tropical de Nogent. © Cired
Jardin tropical de Nogent. © Cired

© Cired

Its research involves a dual approach combining biophysical and economic models, and coordinating sectorial models with a strong technological component, economic growth models, biological cycle models, carbon cycle models and climate models. The problems posed by integrating scale into models have to be overcome, since it is essential to coordinate these models on a local, supraregional and global scale in order to shed light on how environmental policies are coordinated on these various levels.