Egrappage de l'açaí en forêt. © N. Cialdella, Cirad

Forests, agriculture and territories in the Amazon - Amazonie

How can we reconcile environmental protection and support for rural populations in this region, which plays a decisive ecological role on a global scale and has huge agricultural potential?

The Amazon is not just a forest; it is also an area in which people live and a source of jobs and income for millions of people, with implications for global agrifood and energy supply chains. Promoting sustainable forms of development goes beyond mere repression as regards deforestation. The aim is to work with local stakeholders to develop alternative environmentally-friendly production systems and to rally each and every stakeholder in the area around this objective. An agrarian shift of this kind requires quality scientific outputs to which operators can relate, as well as training.



  • EMBRAPA Amazônia, Oriental: Roraima Centre; Network of research and technical centres along pioneer fronts
  • Museo Paraense Emîlio Goeldi: environmental modelling
  • University of Brasilia: Sustainable Development Centre (CDS)
  • Federal University of Para (UFPa): Nûcleo de Ciências Agràrias e Desenvolvimento Rural (NCADR)


  • French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)