Anatomical identification of woods

Analysis-diagnosis service Natural resources and territories
Determination of the genus and botanical species of small wood samples.
Xylothèque BioWooEB, échantillons, plaquettes de bois utilisées pour l'identification anatomique @Patrick Langbour, Cirad
Xylothèque BioWooEB, échantillons, plaquettes de bois utilisées pour l'identification anatomique @Patrick Langbour, Cirad

BioWooEB xylotheque, samples, wood chips used for anatomical identification © Patrick Langbour, CIRAD

Carpenters, cabinetmakers, importers, architects, antiques dealers, museum managers and other experts can contact the laboratory with a view to identifying samples and thus determining the associated technological properties.


Each type of wood has a specific lignin structure. Determination is based on:

  • macroscopic and microscopic analysis.
  • a reference wood bank of over 8 000 species.


On-site appraisal.

How to get it

To order these analyses, for a price quote or to know the payement terms, contact us or check Identification tariffs in laboratory