Water, Soil and Plant Analysis - US Analyses

Service Unit (US) PERSYST Department
Managing cultivated areas means knowing about soil fertility, measuring any changes, and monitoring plant nutrition. Any attempt to improve productivity depends on physicochemical analyses.
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The CIRAD physicochemical analysis laboratory, based in Montpellier and Réunion, has ISO 9001 certification in four key fields: analyses, knowledge transfer, adaptation of methods, and expertise and advisory services relating to fertilization. In terms of soils, it specializes in analysing acid, acid sulphate, andic and saline soils, which are characteristic of hot regions. In terms of plants, its main expertise lies in analysing mineral concentrations in certain plant organs, enabling it to make fertilizer recommendations or establish mineral balances. Its operations also cover environmental issues, particularly agricultural and agroindustrial organic matter recycling, and tracing waste and pollutants in the soil.