Agroecological Functioning and Performances of Horticultural Systems - UPR HORTSYS

Internal Research Unit (UPR) PERSYST Department
Horticulture is seen as an essential factor in food security and safety and health worldwide. Horticultural systems are also a major source of income and jobs for the poorest populations in tropical areas. In this context, is it possible to ensure high, sustainable production of safe, quality fruit and vegetables? The aim of UR HortSys is to establish the principles of agroecology of tropical horticultural systems with a view to developing sustainable cropping systems, in partnership with local players.
Périmètre maraicher urbain à Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire. © T. Martin, Cirad
Périmètre maraicher urbain à Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire. © T. Martin, Cirad

Urban market garden in Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire © T. Martin, CIRAD

Its research centres on the agroecology of horticultural systems and on supporting their ecological intensification. It aims to build:

- our knowledge of the most promising agroecological processes (in particular soil remediation, push-pull mechanisms, physical barriers and the physiological functioning of plants and food webs within agro-ecosystems);

- a global participatory approach: eco-design, on various levels (cropping systems, production systems, territories and supply chains), which means conducting multi-criteria and multi-scale assessments, notably within the framework of life cycle assessments (LCAs).